Thursday, August 27, 2020

GHAR VAPSI -- an ode to the hordes on the roads in April 2020


The migrant workers headed "home" to save their dignity,

Regardless of the miles they'd roam, to flee iniquity,

Despairing for a “life” of sorts amongst their very own, 

Albeit have-nots, there's surety: they will not die alone.


At each step, though, the mind's awhirl: Should I go on or not?

If someone calls ‘em back again, perhaps they’d say: Why not!

But on they trod in th’ burning sun, with fever too, 'tis told,

And plod on through the dark of night despite the bitter cold.


The single aim of reaching “there” is all that's on their mind

The government's aid did come so late, it almost seems unkind.

The colourful hopes of home so dear that in their hearts they carry

On and on as zombies would; they’ll be there if only they hurry!


But all their dreams of getting home will surely be washed out

When they approach their borders, (their energy all ebbed out),

They see the camp that'll be their home until declare-d clean

Not knowing if the "home" ahead has likely lost its sheen.


In weary fourteen days and nights of check n check again,

Their hopes and dreams of home, should not, shall not have been in vain.

For years they toiled in silv’r-edg’d dreams while steeped in muck and grime;

They look back now and sadly say: That was a sordid time.


The land now beckons, the family reckons that now they won’t reject them.

But, post this purgatorial spell, no metro can attract them,

Knowing that no “Minimum Wage” nor “E.S.I.” protect them.

The joys of “working-for-your-home”, how sadly we neglect them.

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